Best Leather Care Products in 2022

Last update: December 10, 2022

Can I use Murphy's Oil soap on leather?

Yes, you can use Murphy's Oil soap on leather. It is a gentle soap that will not damage the leather.

Can I use olive oil for leather?

Yes, you can use olive oil for leather. It's a natural product that won't damage the leather. You can use it to condition the leather and make it softer and more pliable.

How do you keep leather from cracking naturally?

To keep leather from cracking naturally, you need to keep it moisturized. This can be done by using a leather conditioner or a natural oil like olive oil. Once a week, massage the oil into the leather in a circular motion. This will help keep the leather supple and prevent it from cracking.

Is baby oil good for leather?

Yes, baby oil is good for leather. It can help to keep the leather supple and soft.

Leather Honey Leather Conditioner, Best Leather Conditioner Since 1968. For Use on Leather Apparel, Furniture, Auto Interiors, Shoes, Bags and Accessories. Non-Toxic and Made in the USA! Review:

We purchased a magnificent Italian leather sofa, chair, and ottoman from a reputable furniture wholesaler 25 years ago. They generously offered us a lifetime supply of leather maintenance kits, so we accepted. We would stop over twice a year to get refills and clean and then reapply the given conditioner. Our affection for our dogs has always outweighed our love for leather. We discovered how damaged, scuffed, and cracked the leather had grown despite this care after just installing new hardwood flooring. We thought about getting a special kit to re-dye and condition the "mushroom color" colored leather, but the cost would have been more than $150. So, we decided to start by using a high-end leather conditioner. Although it appeared that a 16 oz bottle would be sufficient, the 32 oz bottle with Amazon Prime felt like a better price because any extra might be used to care for the furniture in the future or on other leather items.I separated each cushion this morning in preparation for treating them. A 6" × 6" scrap from an old polyester "polar fleece" hoodie proved to be the ideal applicator after some trial and error. I massaged a generous amount of conditioner into the cushions with my bare hands and the applicator cloth because the bottle said this was a natural product and it was completely free of any odor that might indicate the presence of solvents. I then set the cushions aside to allow the conditioner to be absorbed. The first had dried by the time I had completed the four seats and four backs (perhaps after 40 minutes), and the scuffs and scratches had returned. Unfazed, I gave each cushion a second ample coating and set them aside before giving the lower facings, arms, sides, and backs of each item a similar treatment. By that time, the bottle's contents totaled >8 oz. I had recently purchased a three-pack of cowhide work gloves as a bonus for my project, but they needed to be "broken in" and oiled to become flexible and form-fitting enough to wear while performing construction. So, each time I took a break, I put my greasy hands inside one pair and put them on alternately, lavishly coating the thumb and forefinger with leather honey.The majority of the leather was as lustrous and soft as new after three coats had been applied on all leather surfaces of the furniture. But after absorption, the dog-provided scratches and scuffs on the top surfaces and outer edges of the cushions and arms started to show up again, somewhat less obviously but still raising questions. I rebuilt the furniture with determination and began to apply coat after coat, focusing only on the cracks, scuffs, and scratches. After each application, the conditioner had absorbed in for around fifteen minutes, making the marring slightly less noticeable. I continued spot treatments, generously placing conditioner along each crease or scratch until the surrounding leather stopped absorbing any more conditioner and did not discolor. Over the course of the following eight hours, I intermittently applied more than ten coats until, finally, the cracks and scratches themselves started to meld into the surrounding leather. The large piece of polar fleece I had set aside to polish the coating didn't end up being necessary. Now that all of the conditioner has been absorbed, the skin has a lovely matte finish. It took 16 oz to make the sofa and chair, but it appears like well-aged leather furniture; the color is uniform across all surfaces, and what were once evident scratch marks and scuffs now blend in with the general patina that only excellent leather furniture is able to develop over time. Along with hearing the kids fight over who will inherit these items, I still have to haul the ottoman back up from the basement. To keep this patina going forward, Leather Honey Conditioner will be sprayed once every six months. And maybe even teach the dogs to stand next to the furniture so they may have their ears stroked. You can see from reading my past evaluations that I don't praise things that don't live up to their claims. If you have the patience and are willing to put in the necessary time and effort, this one will work out. Peace/Out.

Frye Unisex Leather Conditioning Cream Review:

I went ahead and bought a can of the FRYE conditioner to put on a new pair of Frye boots even though I already have multiple bottles/cans of leather conditioners, waterproofers, waxes, etc. that I've accumulated over the years. It felt foolish to use anything other than their own leather conditioner after spending that much money on a pair of boots. It appears to perform well. Although I'm not sure if it's any better than the others, I'm glad I bought it. The footwear is a pair of whisky-colored "Evan" hiking boots from Frye (a lighter brown- almost honey- sort of color). They didn't appear any darker, in my opinion. If it did, the difference is so negligible that I am unable to detect it. The leather appeared to have rehydrated, which was the main advantage. Before being sent to me, I imagine the boots sat in the box on a shelf in a somewhat dry location for a while. They definitely absorbed a lot of the conditioner, and thereafter they appeared much healthier. I believe it also contributed to their slight softening. They rub the bridge of my foot in one place, so I put cedar shoe trees there in the hopes that they will take the shape and offer me a bit more space there. One thing that I've discovered makes it easier for the leather to absorb the conditioner is to apply it while the boot is extremely heated. I preheat the oven at around 200 degrees (F), TURN IT OFF, and then I INSERT THE BOOT (LYING ON A BAKING SHEET COVERED WITH A TOWEL) FOR ABOUT 10 MINUTES. Never expose leather to direct heat; give the element a few seconds to cool. When I take it out, I can apply the conditioner before it has a chance to release the heat it absorbed because I have everything I need ready to go. If the leather seems like it has absorbed all the conditioner it "wants," I may repeat this process two or three times (alternating the L/R boot) if the leather is extremely dry. It's just a habit I've developed over time, especially when the leather appears overly dry. The finest ways to maintain leather are the subject of many different viewpoints. When I first wanted to learn how to do it, I devoted a lot of time to reading and watching videos. I strongly advise doing some research before you begin if you have never done it. Before I felt comfortable doing any new costly ones, I practiced on a few used pairs to get the feel of it. I regret not doing it sooner. I can see now that simply doing routine care, leather products may last a lifetime (and still look fantastic).***Update***I opted to condition the (new/unworn) Frye hiking boots again using the Frye Conditioning Cream a few weeks after I first used it to rehydrate the leather that appeared to have dried out during the period they were on a warehouse shelf before being shipped to me. After the leather had fully absorbed the initial treatment, I decided to check to see if they needed more rehydration or not. I went through the heating and conditioning procedure once more. Before they were properly saturated and the conditioner started to accumulate on the surface rather than quickly dissolve into the leather, they readily absorbed two more rounds of heating and rubbing. After a few days, I observed that the leather not only looked better, but it was also starting to soften. My boots are starting to take shape and stop scraping on the top of my foot thanks to the cedar shoe trees. Even though they still need some more time, I'm confident that the Frye conditioner is giving the leather back the supple texture it must have had when Frye first made them. I've come to the conclusion that the Frye Conditioner is excellent, and I don't think any of the other treatments I've tried in the past would have restored the leather any more effectively. I'm glad I made the decision to give it a try and I'll probably use it on other stuff as well!

Atsko Sno-Seal Original Beeswax Waterproofing Leather Protector, 7 oz Review:

All is well thus far. I dried my boots with a blow dryer before applying this. Trying to heat the boot evenly was a bit difficult.Initially, the product adhered to the boots fairly well. took some hard work.I heated the boots again after applying the first coat, and the product seemed to seep in and I developed dry areas. I thus reapply and reheated. Now it looks good. So far, my feet have stayed dry.For a day or two, several areas of the boots seemed slightly sticky or gummy. They are now feeling well after that. The wax appeared to have cracked where the boot flexes, I noted. The flexed regions were not glossy, as was apparent.One strange occurrence did occur to me. I made three pairs of boots in one night because I was so enthusiastic about the product. I made the decision to use my gas oven for dinner later on. The stench of kerosene filled my entire house as the oven warmed up. I was confused. It turned out that the odor was caused by this product off-gassing as it was being burned in my oven. There are a ton of stories regarding paint fumes or heavy petroleum product byproducts in the air if you Google "kerosene smell from oven." It both intrigued and alarmed me, in my opinion. My advice is to use in a well-ventilated environment.

Lexol Leather Conditioner and Leather Cleaner Kit, Use on Car Leather, Furniture, Shoes, Bags, and Accessories, Quick & Easy Two-Step Regimen, 8 oz Bottles, Includes Two Application Sponges Review:

I chose Lexol to clean and maintain the leather in my new car because it is one of the most well-known leather treatment solutions. Lexol is a well-known brand and a longtime favorite among auto detailers and restorers. It's crucial that Lexol is odorless, non-greasy, and free of chemical solvents. Others that I've tried just feel like I've smeared Crisco on them.A sizable quantity of substance and a few application sponges are included in the Lexol kit.With this substance, I've discovered that a little goes a long way. I barely even dented the bottle after doing a 3-row SUV and a 2-row pickup.The leather cleaner comes first.A pourable bottle makes sense because Lexol cleaning has the consistency of thicker liquid soap. Pour a small amount of the cleanser into a sponge or cotton cloth, then rub the leather with it. The cleaner will produce bubbles (much like soap would) that are supposed to aid in the delicate cleaning procedure. I found the leather cleaner to be a tad too mild in my experience. Because it's so mild on the leather, regular maintenance of a car would probably be a better use for it than restoration. It did get rid of some dirt and very light stains, but stains like lipstick, old ground-in oil, and other similar stains might not have been completely removed. My seats were rather clean, but a more powerful cleaner would likely be preferred in a dirty vehicle.Lexol Leather Conditioner makes the assertion that it will prolong the life of leather by replenishing the oils utilized in the tanning process. It "feeds" the leather, keeping it supple and soft. The consistency of Lexol Leather Conditioner is watery. It applies quite effortlessly and requires only a basic pour and rub method of application. Again, a little bit is quite helpful. If you treat yourself every quarter, one bottle should last you for years of applications.Since we frequently retain our cars for a considerable amount of time, performing a little preventive maintenance using Lexol Leather Conditioner makes sense. Maintaining flexibility helps the leather seating surface withstand more miles without tearing or ripping.

Bickmore Bick 4 Leather Conditioner 8 oz - Best Since 1882 - Cleaner & Conditioner - Restore Polish & Protect All Smooth Finished Leathers Review:

This is fantastic stuff. I just got the bottle, but I've already used almost all of it conditioning all of our leather items.I placed this order after pulling out a pair of leather cowboy boots that had been in storage and appeared to be dry and on the verge of breaking. I looked up this conditioner on Amazon and decided to give it a try. The boots were so dry that I only performed one conditioning, let them rest, and then did another conditioning. They appeared even better after the second treatment. I ended up completing all of our boots in addition to all of my purses, both leather and imitation leather. I discovered that it truly is necessary to apply the conditioner twice. The leather appears to absorb the conditioner the first time, and with the second coat, you will achieve a consistent, evenly moisturized appearance.

Chemical Guys Leather Cleaner and Conditioner Complete Leather Care Kit (16 oz) (2 Items) Review:

I've utilized items that make performance claims and have been let down by them. However, this product not only made the promised benefits, but also had reviews to support them. One more endorsement and support for this fantastic product will come from my review.I have a service dog that travels with me in my 2012 Infiniti G37x. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, dogs always manage to make a mess. This is standard practice and won't alter.I enjoy the coziness of my leather inside. For the life of me, I can't seem to locate a seat cover for the seats in this car. Naturally, the leather is damaged and becomes soiled. When it's not that difficult to do, I wasn't paying anybody to detail the interior and I never will. After reading the bad feedback, I can only assume that people either disregarded the instructions or took their time finishing the task. My experience with this product exceeded my expectations, and my interior is once again pristine. The cleaner was excellent, albeit I did need to use the Chemical Guys' brush on some really difficult stains. It was the same with the conditioner in that if you follow the instructions, the leather would soften and give off a little sheen, making everything look brand-new. The car smells like new leather; there are no overpowering chemical odors, harsh fumes, or sticky or oily residue to cope with.I would unquestionably suggest this product to anyone wishing to care for their leather interior and polish their car expertly. Just follow the instructions because we tend to assume that everyone will.

Apple Brand Garde Rain & Stain Water Repellent - Protector Spray For Handbags, Purses, Shoes, Boots, Accessories, Furniture - Won't Alter Color - Great For Vachetta Review:

I recently bought my first LV monogram bag, which features vachetta leather trim all around. Although I was aware of the leather's extreme fragility, I was nevertheless hesitant to use it without first providing it with protection after hearing horror stories about how easily it can be stained.Because it was so well-reviewed and widely regarded, I gave it a try. To demonstrate how sensitive the leather is, I cleansed my hands right before treating the bag to make sure they were free of oils and lotions. I took up the handles of my LV bag without realizing I had a wet bandage on my finger. Almost soon, my handles were covered in a sizable, dark water stain. I was in awe of it!I prayed that it wouldn't leave a lasting stain, and happily it dried up and went away. However, it only served to emphasize how important it was to treat it before using. I started by lightly misting all of the vachetta regions with Apple Care. For all the overspray, be sure to shield your work surface. I sprayed until every area was thoroughly coated since when I sprayed lightly, I could see that the coverage was even but not truly complete. It was, in my opinion, fairly liberally covered. Even though I was aware that the directions called for light, even strokes, I just went crazy and sprayed until I was certain I hadn't missed anything. The leather was wet, but after ten minutes the color had returned to normal. Actually, it dried before my eyes. I cleaned up any overspray and leaking using paper towels. So it didn't surprise me when I discovered that some of the overspray from applying too much and it pooling around corners caused a few of small places near the bottom of the bag to get stained by the Apple Care. I was devastated and prepared to admit that using too much was a mistake. But surprise, surprise, two days later those dark spots "evaporated" and things went back to normal. Finally, no treatment stains. Whew!So, does it function? Yes!! Now that I can touch the bag with thoroughly wet fingertips, the vachetta leather only forms beads of water. No longer absorbing, no stains from water. It simply rolls off. My recommendation for using this spray? Instead of taking a chance like I did, either use an applicator or swab to apply evenly, or use light coats, adding a second one just after it has dried. If you're treating a used bag, this is perhaps even more crucial. Since mine is brand-new and free of oil or dirt, the generous treatment had less of an opportunity to collect in soiled areas. First, I used the spray to test it on my bag's bottom and shoulder strap.

Weiman Wipes-Non Toxic Clean Condition UV Protection Help Prevent Cracking or Fading of Leather Couches, Car Seats, Shoes, Purses, Clear, 30 Count Review:

Fantastic Leather Wipes are these. We use them to clean and polish the vinyl/leather trim on the inside of the doors, the gearshift area, the center console, and the dashboard of our automobile. gives the room a silky finish that makes a big impression. Two quick tips: Before using the wipes, make sure the car is cool and shaded. 2). With a clean, soft microfiber or cotton flannel cloth, go over the cleaned areas again about an hour after using the cleaner. Pay special attention to the dash and window areas because the conditioner may have soaked in differently there due to the vinyl/leather being a little bit dry from exposure to light and sun during the summer. These Wipes Come Highly Recommended!

Weiman Leather Cleaner and Conditioner Trigger - 12 Ounce Review:

really enhances the appearance of all leather. I've cleaned leather shoes, couches, ottomans, and just about anything else, and they've all turned out beautifully. Highly suggested.Update 9/30/16: I've used up two bottles of this cleaner/conditioner and I'm blown away by how effective it is. It genuinely changed color after I used it to clean a Columbia leather saddle bag! I assumed the images shown online were inaccurate, but I only required few tickets. Additionally, I only use it on my leather Doc Martens, Johnston, and Murphy shoes. Simply a superb product all around.Please let us know if you found this review to be useful. Please inquire if anything is unclear or if you require further information. In light of the abundance of similarly priced products on the market, I write these in the hopes that they can aid other purchasers in making a choice.

Armor All 18781 Cleaning and Leather Care Wipes, 30 count each - 2 Pack Wipes Review:

Version TL;DR (Too, Long; Didn't Read)Purchased as a cheap leather cleaner for a BMW; mostly effective.The good - Effectively removes ingrained filth, dust, and grime. Use with confidence on plastic and vinyl.- Comparatively less expensive to purchase online than in-store.The negative - The wipes must be kept in a cool environment to prevent drying since they are damp within the tube.- Prolonged stains are challenging to remove.- can make certain leather discolored. When applying pressure to some locations, we noticed a small discoloration.Your inquiries, our responsesCan I use this to clean my car's vinyl and dashboard?Absolutely.Will this material be able to remove existing sun damage from the interior?This doesn't clean or fix leather that has been sun-damaged.Can these be used to leather from a Mercedes Benz?All types of leather, including those from Mercedes, Audi, and BMW, can be used safely with the wipes.

Is Dawn dish soap safe for leather?

Dawn dish soap is safe for leather. You can use it to clean your leather furniture and clothing. Just be sure to rinse the soap off afterwards.

Is Vaseline good for leather?

Yes, vaseline is good for leather. It can help to protect it from dirt and water, and it can also help to keep it looking shiny and new.

What can I use to moisturize leather?

If your leather furniture is looking a little dry, you can use a number of different products to help moisturize it. You can find leather conditioners at most hardware or home stores. Be sure to read the label carefully to find one that is compatible with your type of leather. You can also use a mixture of one part white vinegar to two parts water. Apply this mixture with a soft cloth, and then buff the leather dry.

What do car detailers use for leather?

Car detailers use a variety of products to clean and protect leather. These products include leather cleaners, conditioners, and protectants. Leather cleaners remove dirt, debris, and oil from the leather, while conditioners help to restore moisture and protect the leather from further damage. Protectants provide a barrier against the elements and help to extend the life of the leather.

What do professional leather cleaners use?

Leather is a natural product, and as such, needs to be treated with care. Leather cleaners are specially formulated to clean leather without damaging it. The best leather cleaners contain natural ingredients that work to break down dirt and grime, without stripping away the leather's natural oils.

What is a good natural leather conditioner?

A good natural leather conditioner can help to keep your leather products looking new and prolong their life. When choosing a conditioner, it is important to select one that is compatible with the type of leather you are using it on. For example, using a conditioner made for suede on smooth leather can damage the leather. In general, however, natural leather conditioners are safe to use on all types of leather and will help to keep the leather supple and prevent it from drying out and cracking.