Best Emergency Dental Care Products in 2022

Last update: January 7, 2023

Can a broken loose tooth be saved?

If a tooth is broken or has a large cavity, a dentist may be able to save it with a root canal and a crown.

Can the ER pull an infected tooth?

If you have an infected tooth, you may be wondering if the ER can pull it. The answer is maybe. If the infection is severe, the ER may be able to pull the tooth. However, if the infection is not severe, the ER will likely refer you to a dentist.

Can you use super glue on a tooth?

There are a few things to consider before using super glue on a tooth. First, super glue is not meant to be ingested, so it's important to be careful not to get any on your gums or tongue. Second, super glue is not as strong as dental adhesive, so it may not hold your tooth in place for very long. Third, super glue can be difficult to remove, so you may want to consider another option if you need to repair your tooth for a longer period of time.

How do I know if I have sepsis from a tooth infection?

If you have a tooth infection, you may be at risk for sepsis. Sepsis is a serious complication that can occur when an infection spreads through the body. Symptoms of sepsis include fever, chills, rapid breathing, and confusion. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Regent Labs StainAway Plus, 8.4-Ounce (Pack of 4) Review:

I discovered I had noticeable stains on my teeth and denture early this year after getting a new denture! I did believe that some of these stains were caused by my use of dark chocolate as well as other common meals. I tried two or three of the usual soaking tablets instead of just one in an effort to remove the stains, but it was ineffective. I would scrub vigorously with the typical denture scrub brushes, but nothing would happen. I finally started looking online for a solution to these stains after growing a little upset with my current situation.I did come across some favorable reviews of a product named "StainAway" on the general internet, so I naturally went to Amazon to find out more specific information. I might have discovered what I was seeking for after hastily scanning the StainAway reviews on Amazon. Well. StainAway was something I did buy and get, and I used it immediately away. Wow, almost all of the discoloration was removed after the first application. My denture has been kept clean ever since with just one more application of StainAway. Just so you know, while using the cap for dispensing is acceptable, I prefer to use a measuring spoon instead, using 1/2 teaspoon or little less "most days" and soaking for 10 to 15 minutes (no need for all night soaking with StainAway).Therefore, based on my own direct experience, I wholeheartedly recommend StainAway to anyone who needs to remove stains from dentures!

Kleenite Kleenite Dental Cleanser Fresh Mint, Fresh Mint 9 Oz, Pack of 3 Review:

I've had to wear a night guard and retainer every night for the past five to ten years. I had some night guard that was really dirty and had three years' worth of buildup.I've observed that since I've been using it every day, it has helped to clean and break down the buildup. Once you rinse them out, the flavour isn't too overpowering or revolting. If you don't thoroughly rinse them before usage, it merely feels a little slimy or slippery.I let mine soak all day, but if you forget, you can use them for a fast 5–10 minute soak.

M3 Naturals Heavy Duty Mouth Guards for Teeth Grinding Night Clenching Moldable Trimmable Bruxism Anti Grind Dental Sport Bite Mouthguard Sleep Nightguard Retainer Case 2-Size 4 Pieces Review:

For years, my dentist has advised me to use a mouthguard, but I couldn't afford to have one manufactured there. It's a good thing I found this because it's a great product at a great price!I'm not sure why Amazon is asking users to comment on how well this product whitens. Other than that, it doesn't say anything in the box or instructions, but other than that, it's fantastic!Not only is it simple to shape, but they also provide you a choice between two sets of moldable guards, one little and one huge.The product does come with a note giving the next one free, which informs me it has a finite lifespan and needs to be replaced after a specific amount of time. I suppose this depends on the user and how often they grind or wear down the guard!

DenTek Temparin Max Hold | Temporarily Repairs Caps, Crowns, Fillings | 2.64 gram | Pack of 6 Review:

Have you ever been away and broken a tooth or lost a filling? If there is suffering involved, it is a hassle. Or, have you ever had the same situation but had to put off visiting the dentist due of a lack of funds? This affordable item might be useful and provide pain relief. I trust it because my dentist told me about it over the phone after a filling fell out of a tooth while I was away.Once you get the hang of it, the product is particularly simple to operate. Making careful to clean your mouth and the affected area with warm water just before applying the product is the key. Additionally, before rolling this material into a little ball, make sure your fingertips are wet with warm water (see instructions). Add some warm water to the outside of the ball if the material isn't adhering together. Recall that a cavity or broken tooth feels much larger in our mouths than it actually is; therefore, you probably won't require as much product as you believe.Although a small plastic tool is included and is helpful, I find that using my fingers is the simplest way to apply and smooth down the product. To avoid any material clinging to the filler, first run it under warm water to loosen it up. When you check your bite, there will probably be some additional product and some that comes loose. With a dry q-tip, I find it the simplest to remove any portions that aren't related to the piece I want to keep in my mouth. Finally, I've discovered that gently rubbing the product with a finger (again, make sure to rinse the finger in warm water first) helps to smooth the product. Observe the advice to refrain from eating for an hour (overnight is best - yet I drink during that time). The product acts as a good barrier between any exposed nerves caused by the tooth issue and the air or food, making it much less likely that cool air, sweet meals, etc. will cause a problem. While you wait to see the dentist, that is a tremendous advantage!I wish you luck. I never travel without it because I wear numerous crowns and this product also helps to keep them in place!

D.O.C. Repair-It Advanced Formula Denture Repair Kit 3 ea Review:

My bottom denture keeps breaking since getting dentures (and implants). Repairs last fewer than two weeks despite the strength provided by braided wire. It is annoying to repeatedly have $300 in repairs fail in less than a month. I am aware that I am not a professional, but with only two simple home repairs, I was able to keep my bottom denture intact for months. On the cheek side of the denture's break, I covered it with material. It doesn't irritate my tongue or interfere with my ability to chew. I use a Drimle tool buffer pad to smooth the denture repair material. In more than a year, I haven't returned for a professional repair. My denture has never been in one piece for as long as that.Expect a learning curve and follow the recommendations. Before trying to distribute it on the "good" broken denture, I practiced on another damaged denture (I had a choice of 5). A dentist or lab might be a better option if you have the money and time to spare. My shoddy fixes are working out for me.

Dentemp Maximum Strength Dental Cement, 0.07 Ounce, 3 Count (Packaging May Vary) Review:

I have numerous dental issues. I typically use this material to replace missing fillings because it helps with pain and works excellent to keep food out. I decided to attempt this up to my visit with the dentist after this time I broke half my tooth off. That also works with it! It helps and surprisingly good stays in place even though you have to sort of mold it and adhere it to the tooth next to it.

Amazing Temporary Missing Tooth Kit Replacement Temp Dental 25% More Than Others Review:

Unfortunately, I chipped one of the four porcelain crowns that cover my front teeth while eating. Currently pregnant, I'm extremely scared to go for any kind of dental procedure (it's safe, but I don't want to take a chance). I was stressed because I had a lot of events coming up, like my baby shower, maternity session, and birthday celebration. I definitely didn't want to arrive at those occasions with my front teeth practically missing, which is where Amazing Temporary Tooth comes to the rescue! I used six of the beads and warmed them in the microwave while they were submerged in a cup of water. I was able to swiftly reshape my missing portion of tooth back by applying the solution to my tooth. Although you will need to move quickly because the solution hardens quickly, it was really simple to use. My teeth are a dazzling white shade "1" on the porcelain color wheel, which is the whitest/brightest shade obtainable for porcelain teeth. After a few modifications, I had a tooth that looked almost brand new and matched my teeth flawlessly. The material mixed, dried, and adhered to my partial porcelain tooth quite firmly without seeming to be a repair. My relatives and husband were shocked to learn that I had made the repair myself; they had assumed I had visited the dentist. It literally appears like a seamless tooth.I will still go to the dentist to get my teeth fixed, but since the kit comes with a TON of beads and I am sure I can use it for at least a year, it gives me time to finish my pregnancy and save money.

DenTek Temparin Max Lost Filling and Loose Cap Repair Kit | One Step Formula | 5+ Repairs | 0.04 Ounces | 3-Pack Review:

I used to purchase this merchandise (same brand) from Wal-Mart. A little over a year after getting a filling, I had a piece of it fall out. I would have to pay the dentist again to have it fixed (it gave me nothing but issues)...I ultimately used temporary filling. The other stuff also worked, but it was quite challenging to have it stay and function.This is incredible stuff. When I feel that a little bit too much has come out, it barely comes out. It only takes like two seconds and works beautifully when I go get a tiny bit. Just keep in mind that for 1-2 hours following, you cannot eat. Because of this, I exercise before bed.Certainly beneficial. My teeth started to feel sensitive. Because a tooth on my other side is quite sensitive, I must eat on that side (has a filling..hole too..but it is in between my teeth so I cant get to it really ...)...Not as sensitive anymore is my tooth. I should also mention that I gargled with salt water and applied garlic oil on the tooth for a couple of days before using it, even putting garlic in it.Absolutely worthwhile.

Dentemp Repair Kit containing: Maximum Strength Dental Cement, Refilit Lost Filling Repair, Recap-It Loose Caps, 1 Kit (Packaging May Vary) Review:

If you can get a good seal, the discomfort is not only promptly relieved but also lasts for days or even weeks. Clean out your mouth thoroughly before using. The cherry works even better than the original, which astonished me. Just before filling where I required it, I used orajel cream. additional insurance.Additionally: It was delivered quickly, which I appreciated.

Temporary tooth repair kit temp dental fix missing for 30 teeth! Triple! Review:

Small plastic pellets in 3 vials, apparently enough for 30 teeth, were given to me. 20–30 teeth, depending on size, make it probably rather close. According to the guidelines, a little tooth requires around 15 pellets. To replace the tooth, I used more like 25. This was a minuscule portion of a vial. Fortunately, you can easily reheat and try again if you make a mistake. Pellets were seamlessly added to the prior tooth.I used the coffee machine to make boiling water while I was away from home. The pellets will soften with any source of hot enough water. When heated, the pellets become transparent and are simple to shape. I then formed them into a ball and inserted it into the gap left by my lost teeth. As there must be touch to keep it in place, it is critical to fill EVERY gap between the teeth.I had to redo it because I didn't use enough material on my initial attempt. I simply adjusted the material by placing the "tooth" back into boiling water along with additional pellets. This time, I took extra time to round the tooth's surface so that it appeared more natural. As mentioned, the material can be recycled by merely heating it. Put it back in the water for about ten seconds and continue if you can't finish it before it begins to harden. I successfully shaped the tooth using my fingernail. According to the instructions, letting the tooth harden in the mouth improves fit. Reheat it and try again if you don't get it properly the first time.I previously owned a $350 dental "flipper" appliance. (I'm certain some dentists bill significantly more.) It is not advised to eat with either the flipper or the tooth made with this material because neither one is functional. I did discover that this tooth functioned throughout eating better than the flipper. I'm sure that will depend on how well each person fits. Instead of $350, this "tooth" costs less than $1, yet I thought it was more comfortable than the flipper. It functions admirably as a cosmetic tool.It is white, as has been mentioned by others, thus it won't go with most teeth. Although I haven't done either, the suggestions to let it sit in tea or soda seem sensible.I've been using the "tooth" for a few weeks and haven't run into any issues. It did appear to loosen a little after some time. That might probably be remedied by warming it and pushing it to cover the space more effectively. Even my wife doesn't notice when I wear it!

How do you get a rotten tooth out at home?

There are a few ways that you can get a rotten tooth out at home. One way is to use a pair of pliers. Another way is to use a drill.

How long can you leave Dentemp in?

Dentemp is a temporary filling material that can be used to fill cavities and repair cracked teeth. It is made of a putty-like material that hardens when exposed to air. Dentemp can be left in place for up to six months, but it is not intended for long-term use. If you need a permanent filling, you should see your dentist.

Is Dentemp a cement?

Dentemp is not a cement. It is an adhesive that is used to hold dental crowns in place.

Should I go to the ER for unbearable tooth pain?

What are the four common dental emergencies?

There are four common dental emergencies: a broken tooth, a knocked-out tooth, intense tooth pain, and bleeding from the gums. If you have any of these problems, you should see a dentist right away. A broken tooth can be caused by biting down on something hard, by an injury, or by decay that has weakened the tooth. If the break is just on the surface of the tooth, it can usually be repaired with a filling. If the break is more serious, the tooth may need to be crowned or even extracted. A knocked-out tooth

What can the ER do for tooth pain?

The ER can provide pain relief for toothaches in a number of ways. They can give you a shot of pain medication to help numb the area, or they can prescribe a stronger pain medication for you to take on an as-needed basis. They can also do a physical examination and take X-rays to rule out other causes of your pain, such as an infection. If your toothache is caused by an infection, the ER can start you on antibiotics to help clear it up.