Best Evening Primrose Herbal Supplements in 2022

Last update: December 31, 2022

Are there side effects to evening primrose?

Yes, there can be side effects to taking evening primrose. The most common side effect is stomach upset, but others can include headache, nausea, and diarrhea. If you experience any of these side effects, stop taking the supplement and call your doctor.

Can evening primrose cause blood clots?

Evening primrose oil is sometimes used as a natural remedy for a variety of conditions, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause symptoms, and eczema. The oil is also said to help with other conditions like high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Evening primrose oil is made from the seeds of the evening primrose plant. The plant is native to North America, but it now grows in Europe and Asia as well. The oil contains a fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GL

Can you take multivitamins and evening primrose oil together?

Can you take vitamin D and evening primrose together?

Yes, you can take vitamin D and evening primrose together. They both support bone and immune health, and may also help to regulate hormones.

NOW Supplements, Super Primrose 1300 mg with Naturally Occurring GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid), 120 Softgels Review:

I'm writing this review for women who, like me, are experiencing extreme PMS symptoms and are doing everything to get relief. I hope this is helpful:Despite how trite it sounds, these medications have altered my life. Since my PMS symptoms frequently interfered with my work and social life, I think I have PMDD, the severe form of PMS. In order to prevent a falling out over nothing, I would get so irritated that I feared my head would explode. I felt I had to avoid my family, friends, and ANYONE. All of these things happened to me during the month's PMS phase, along with severe melancholy. It was terrible, and I was powerless. I tried a lot of different things, such as more supplements, and even had medication prescribed for it. It was useless.Although the Nature's Way brand of primrose oil gave me excruciating headaches, I did notice a change in my mood. I tried the 500mg primrose oil of the Now brand, but it wasn't enough. I absolutely need the 1300mg Now version, and they don't give me headaches! These have been my daily medications for a while. I only need to take these when I have PMS, and I do so by taking it twice daily or three times daily if my symptoms are really acute at night. I see that one medication can keep me symptom-free for 5 to 6 hours. I feel quite normal at that moment! This is a miracle in my eyes that has changed my life. My most crucial relationships have significantly improved. I'm so grateful to have finally discovered something so helpful.

Evening Primrose Oil (500mg) 240 Mini-Liquid Softgels, Cold-Pressed with No fillers or Artificial Ingredients; Non-GMO & Gluten Free Review:

WOW, this is awesome! carries out everything it promises. I suffered a back injury about 12 years ago, and everything fell apart after that. After two years, I was unable to work at a job I had held for twenty years due of my general lack of health. I was getting more and more exhausted and just didn't feel like doing anything. I've always loved gardening, especially with flowers, but even that started to feel like a job to me. It was difficult for me to fall asleep, and I would wake up often through the night. I could hardly get through the day, and I never had a good night's rest. Day after day, the same thing occurred. I just no longer enjoyed life, and I no longer delighted in my numerous pastimes. I stopped doing everything I like to do and withdrew into my home, never wanting to leave. I never imagined that I would feel as I did in the past. I was the one that was always moving, had enough energy for two people, and was passionate about living. Then, and to my dismay, I completely changed who I was. I read everything I could get my hands on, I visited multiple physicians, and I was always looking for something to make me feel better. I had extremely low hormone and thyroid levels, according to one of my blood tests. I therefore started taking thyroid medications and bio-identical hormones. I continued to feel the same even after taking them for three years. I therefore felt depressed and hopeless for the past ten years. I thought I would never again feel like myself. But I persisted in my quest in the hopes of coming across something that could aid me, and I eventually did. I'M SO GLAD TO BE BACK TO MY OLD SELF NOW! I couldn't believe it when I felt better than I had in 12 years after taking only one pill for two days. Every day following that, I had considerably more energy and started participating in life once more. My wonder is evening primrose! Seriously! I began to feel better than I had in the previous 12 years. I found it hard to believe. Because the price is reasonable and I thought it couldn't hurt, I decided to buy it after reading the customer reviews and seeing what it had accomplished for so many other people. After all, what had I got to lose? The second day, I also observed that I had more energy than I had in a very long time. And as time went on, I began to feel better every day. I now have more energy and enjoy doing some of my old hobbies, including gardening. I leave the house as often as I can since it's enjoyable once more. And I've never slept better than I do now. I'll ALWAYS take this, I promise! Although I cannot guarantee that this will work the same for everyone, it worked for me, and I am overjoyed!

Barlean's Organic Oils Organic Evening Primrose Oil, 120 softgels/1300 mg ea. Bottle Review:

I've tried a variety of brands of evening primrose oil before settling on one that I like for a long time. Sadly, the producer abruptly announced that it could no longer make EPO in 1300 mg dosage. After a month, I switched to another brand after trying Barlean's. Compared to the other brands I've used, Barlean's is far better. My mother and I are both going through menopause, and the oil not only keeps our joints supple, but it also has the amazing side benefit of promoting hair growth. When estrogen levels drop, women in my family frequently start losing their hair. My mother, who was beginning to bald, questioned why I was the only one of our four female family members with thick, beautiful hair. Years ago, when I first started using evening primrose oil, I discovered that it helped with my PMS. My hair has grown longer than it ever has in my life because to my continuing usage of EPO after "the change," and any patches that may have started to thinning in my thirties before I started using EPO have been replaced. The hair on my mum is also growing back. She's only been using it for two months, and she's 83. Her hair contrasted significantly and immediately with Barlean's. We are going back to Barlean's because the other brand did not have as consistent of an impact. Although the color is different from other brands (brown rather than gold), the EPO's features are improved.

Puritans Pride Evening Primrose Oil 1300 mg with Gla Softgels, 120 Count Review:

Nothing I take can have an impact on my hormones (breast cancer, aromatase inhibitors year 2 of 5). AIs are a double-edged sword because they can't be stopped from causing heat flashes. I read about evening primrose, but when I asked my oncologist if she was familiar, she wasn't, so I had to wait for her to look it up and provide her seal of approval. My fingernails, which had grown flaky and brittle owing to the AI, have substantially diminished in severity and number after 30 days, and they are now longer than before!

Solgar – Evening Primrose Oil, 1300 mg, 60 Softgels Review:

After using this product for more then 6 months, I can state that it works for me. I am using this medication to obtain some sleep due to my menopause symptoms. It allowed me to fall a sleep virtually every night. I take one in the morning and one at night. It does not make you drowsy or feel sleepy during the day.Although, as everyone has different sensitivity to to different substances, I would recommend to try this product. You only need to understand, that it truly take time before you experience the results. I am delighted I did, because the alternative would be some hormonal treatment, and I am extremely grateful I don't have to take hormones and jeopardize myself.

Evening Primrose Oil (1300mg) 120 Liquid Softgels ~ Cold-Pressed with No fillers or Artificial Ingredients ~ Non-GMO & Gluten Free Review:

WOW, this is awesome! carries out everything it promises. I suffered a back injury about 12 years ago, and everything fell apart after that. After two years, I was unable to work at a job I had held for twenty years due of my general lack of health. I was getting more and more exhausted and just didn't feel like doing anything. I've always loved gardening, especially with flowers, but even that started to feel like a job to me. It was difficult for me to fall asleep, and I would wake up often through the night. I could hardly get through the day, and I never had a good night's rest. Day after day, the same thing occurred. I just no longer enjoyed life, and I no longer delighted in my numerous pastimes. I stopped doing everything I like to do and withdrew into my home, never wanting to leave. I never imagined that I would feel as I did in the past. I was the one that was always moving, had enough energy for two people, and was passionate about living. Then, and to my dismay, I completely changed who I was. I read everything I could get my hands on, I visited multiple physicians, and I was always looking for something to make me feel better. I had extremely low hormone and thyroid levels, according to one of my blood tests. I therefore started taking thyroid medications and bio-identical hormones. I continued to feel the same even after taking them for three years. I therefore felt depressed and hopeless for the past ten years. I thought I would never again feel like myself. But I persisted in my quest in the hopes of coming across something that could aid me, and I eventually did. I'M SO GLAD TO BE BACK TO MY OLD SELF NOW! I couldn't believe it when I felt better than I had in 12 years after taking only one pill for two days. Every day following that, I had considerably more energy and started participating in life once more. My wonder is evening primrose! Seriously! I began to feel better than I had in the previous 12 years. I found it hard to believe. Because the price is reasonable and I thought it couldn't hurt, I decided to buy it after reading the customer reviews and seeing what it had accomplished for so many other people. After all, what had I got to lose? The second day, I also observed that I had more energy than I had in a very long time. And as time went on, I began to feel better every day. I now have more energy and enjoy doing some of my old hobbies, including gardening. I leave the house as often as I can since it's enjoyable once more. And I've never slept better than I do now. I'll ALWAYS take this, I promise! Although I cannot guarantee that this will work the same for everyone, it worked for me, and I am overjoyed!

Now Supplements, Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg with Naturally Occurring GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid), 250 Softgels Review:

I'm hyperthyroid (Graves Disease). By the curls, my hair was falling out. What was once my pride and joy has now become the source of my anxiety and chest pain. I began to see my scalp, which because to my former thickness seemed strange to me.I saw a significant change in the amount of hair loss after taking 1000mg once every day for two months. The nicest part was that my hair actually began to regrow! I've been taking it for four months, and the parts were the hair fell out have grown back around 1.5 inches.At the time, I was also taking iron, but I quit taking it now. My hair isn't growing back as quickly as it was, but it isn't falling out as much either. If you are experiencing thyroid issues, I strongly recommend.

Nature's Way EfaGold Evening Primrose Oil, 1300mg, Cold Pressed | No Fillers | Non-GMO, 120 Softgels Review:

I take 20 mg of Prozac every day right now. I just started using EPO two weeks ago (2 pills a day, the recommended dose). I started experiencing some extremely strange bodily sensations three days into the regimen. First of all, I noticed that I was becoming exceedingly grumpy and that even the tiniest things were freaking me out. It appeared as though I was experiencing CRAZY PMS! I also started experiencing excruciating rolling back ache. It would feel like an electric jolt and would travel from the back of my skull to the back of my leg. I woke up with such tense, painful muscles that continued all day. I started having diarrhea, and by the weekend, I was having insomnia. I had trouble falling asleep, was getting up three or four times throughout the night, and whenever I closed my eyes to try to go asleep again, I experienced very strange visions.I didn't fully put the puzzle together until a few days ago, when I looked into EPO and drug interactions more thoroughly, and I realized I had accidentally caused myself serotonin syndrome. Please, if you are on an SSRI, do not take EPO at the same time. I beg you. The side effects were very frightening, and I'm only now beginning to feel a little bit better. Today is the first day in which I'm not about to pass out at my desk because the fog in my head is starting to clear.You may be wondering why I gave this product four stars. since it was successful. I hate having to quit taking it so much. All my life, I've struggled with horrible eczema and acne. I've tried everything, including antibiotics, Accutane, steroids, gluten-free and vegan diets, skin peels, and weekly facials. It cleared up my hormonal acne in the 10 days I took it. The day before my period, I always have terrible breakouts. My skin is the smoothest it has been since I last took antibiotics, and I recently started my period.That is the reason I gave it four stars. I firmly believe that you ought to use this product if you are able to. However, if you're on an SSRI, PLEASE SKIP THE PILL AND ONLY APPLY EPO TOPICALLY! I'll say it again.I made the mistake of only using homeopathic remedies, and I now know better. Something might have a negative impact on your body even if it is a plant or a vegetable. When utilizing natural products, we sometimes tend to forget this. I sincerely hope that I soon feel 100% again. The agony of this experience actually inspired me to write my first Amazon review. I wish you everyone a lot of love and health.P.S. Aspirin and other medications can interact with EPO. So, please, use caution.

DEVA Vegan Vitamins Vegan Evening Primrose Oil Vcaps, 90-Count Bottle Review:

I looked online for a natural remedy to treat the eczema that my daughter, 17, has on her hands. She had spots in other places over the years, but on her hands they had suddenly gotten so inflamed that she could not hold a pencil in class or do other things. She was in a lot of pain, and it bothered her a lot. Without success, we tried several lotions and other prescription medications. I personally have used evening primrose oil to lessen PMS symptoms in the past, and I've read that it may also be beneficial for some skin disorders. So, we made the decision to purchase many bottles of this particular brand, and we each took the advised two pills per day. It undoubtedly helped me with the discomfort, cramps, and cycle of my period. It didn't make me sick or make my stomach suffer. It was a miracle in a bottle for her! Her hands were 100% cured and fully recovered after taking them in just a week and a half! The eczema was completely gone, and it hasn't come back. The alteration astounded me! She was so relieved to be back to normal. We are both currently on our second bottle of this particular brand and are thrilled that it is vegan (which is extremely important to us both), offers decent value for the number of pills you receive, and ships quickly and conveniently. She's thankful for how straightforward it is to take these tablets with her morning vitamin routine and has carried a bottle with her on a trip overseas. The flavor isn't nice if you don't instantly drink the tablets with a lot of water, which is the only drawback I can think of. However, it is not a deal breaker. We are glad to suggest Deva Vegan Vitamins and will keep purchasing them.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg, 90 Softgels, One Month Supply Review:

I use this for my extremely dry eyes, and it works for me. o I've shelled out a fortune on eye drops, eye salves, sleep masks, heat packs, and specialty eyewear, among other things. I realized I wasn't as uncomfortable once I had been taking this for around three weeks. In Minnesota, it is winter and -13 degrees. Yes, the furnaces are on full blast and spewing hot air around at 13 degrees below zero. a nightmare for those with dry eyes. I've observed that when I put eye drops in, there isn't as much pain or stinging in my eyes. Years of persistent dry eye could be subsiding on their own. OR..........Primrose oil might also be beneficial! Still, my eyes are dry. However, they don't hurt as much, and I feel more at ease.I hope other people can also feel some relief.The study is not double-blind.Just my personal experience.Since my eyes are more at ease, I'll set this product for automatic delivery.I'm hoping that this can also benefit other people who have dry eyes. It is not a remedy. However, I estimate that it reduced my symptoms by roughly 25% to 30%.Good luck!!

Does evening primrose help with wrinkles?

There is some evidence that evening primrose oil may help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The oil is high in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that has been shown to help skin retain moisture and elasticity. A 2012 study found that a cream containing GLA improved skin hydration and helped to reduce the appearance of wrinkles in women with dry skin.

Does evening primrose increase estrogen?

There is some evidence that evening primrose may increase estrogen levels. One study found that evening primrose increased estrogen levels by about 50% in postmenopausal women. However, it is not clear if this is a safe or effective way to increase estrogen levels.

Does evening primrose make you look younger?

Yes, evening primrose does make you look younger. It is an excellent source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that is essential for healthy skin. GLA is a key ingredient in many anti-aging products. It helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and evening primrose oil is also known to help with other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Does evening primrose oil make you lose weight?

There is no scientific evidence that evening primrose oil aids in weight loss. However, the oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is thought to play a role in regulating metabolism. Some people believe that taking evening primrose oil can help boost metabolism and promote weight loss.

Does Primrose make you gain weight?

Primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the primrose plant. It is high in essential fatty acids, which are necessary for good health. However, there is no evidence that primrose oil causes weight gain. In fact, primrose oil may even help to prevent weight gain.

How fast does evening primrose work?

Evening primrose oil is taken by mouth for skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. It is also used for rheumatoid arthritis, weak bones (osteoporosis), Raynaud's phenomenon, multiple sclerosis, and for preventing premenstrual syndrome (PMS).