Best CLA Weight Loss Supplements in 2022

Last update: November 18, 2022

Do CLA pills make you poop?

There's no scientific evidence to support the claim that CLA pills make you poop. However, some people may experience gastrointestinal side effects, such as diarrhea, when taking CLA supplements. If you experience any digestive issues after taking CLA supplements, it's best to discontinue use and speak with your doctor.

Does CLA affect kidneys?

There is no evidence that CLA affects kidneys.

Does CLA cause liver damage?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that CLA causes liver damage. In fact, CLA has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including weight loss and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Does CLA help with hair growth?

According to some studies, CLA may help with hair growth. One study found that CLA supplementation increased hair growth in mice, while another study found that it helped to reduce hair loss in humans. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

BulkSupplements CLA Softgels (1000mg) (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) (300 Softgels) Review:

This is the first time I've ordered from BulkSupplements, and I'm very glad I did! I've been shedding pounds on my own for the past two months. My maximum weight was 212 pounds. Despite how awful dieting was and still is, I became sick of feeling so fatigued despite my usual workout and having the 2:30 crash every afternoon. I therefore stopped eating lunch and had a meal-replacement smoothie in its place. In addition, I started eating solely yogurt, fruits, and vegetables for dinner. Please note that I only do this from Monday through Thursday; I was still free to eat anything I wanted on the weekends (or else I'd probably lose it). Anyway, I've lost 15 pounds so far, but my goal weight is 185. I would gain or lose a few pounds depending on the week. It was quite annoying. I've only been taking the CLA supplement from BulkSupplements for four days, but I've already noticed a significant improvement. I've lost 3.2 pounds in 4 days while continuing to eat as I normally would, but I've also added 2 softgels before breakfast and 2 more before dinner. In addition to losing weight, I feel fantastic!! Even though it has only been four days, the effects are definitely noticeable. I'm eager to see out what transpires over the ensuing month or two. I suppose I'll have to post again.Oh, and there's another thing I think you should know: no stimulants are being used in this. I am very cautious about taking anything that contains a stimulant because I have a heart palpitation that I acquired from my mother (coffee being the only exception and even that is in very limited doses). Because I spent a few hours researching CLA online, I'm not a doctor and I'm certainly not an expert, but from what I can tell, CLA helps prevent your cells from turning too much food into fat. It has also been used in the past as a mild laxative, which leads me to believe there may be additional factor based on what I've read and my own experience (so far). It's really not that horrible right now, but I'm expecting those effects to lessen as my body gets used to it. There isn't any discomfort, nausea, urgency, or anything like, but there is a very apparent difference once you arrive. Sorry if that was too personal, but from a consumer's perspective, I believe it's better to know now than than be caught off guard later.The only potentially harmful side effect I could find online was that it might inhibit pregnancy in women, so it's definitely better to avoid it for the time being if you're a woman trying to conceive or have recently given birth. I'm not an expert here, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Evlution Nutrition CLA 1000, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Weight Loss Supplement, Metabolism Support, Stimulant-Free (180 Servings) Review:

Before deciding to write a review on this product, I held off approximately two months. Regarding the research I did on the science of CLA and fat loss, I turned to pubmed. I didn't anticipate any significant weight loss, but at 59 and starting to gain visceral fat, I figured it may be a helpful supplement to my diet and exercise routine. I have always been active. Throughout my adult life, I've gained and lost the same 15 or 20 pounds numerous times. I made the decision to shed that final 10 pounds in January of this year (again).Progress has been gradual thus far, but I anticipated that given my age and the fact that I underwent a total hysterectomy seven years ago. The CLA—did it help? Although I wasn't sure, my results appeared to back up the claims that they could aid in fat loss. It took me two months before I truly began to think that this was working.The deciding factor was when I unexpectedly realized that the fat around my knees was thinning. I've been really thin at different points in my life, but I've never been able to get rid of the fat pouches around my knees. My knees are starting to take on a lovely form for the first time in my life! I am aware that it is absurd to be enthusiastic about my knees, but there it is. The sole difference between my regimen and all the other weight loss protocols I've undergone is the CLA. I intend to keep taking it.

MET-Rx BCAA 2200 Amino Acid Supplement, Supports Muscle Recovery, 180 Softgels Review:

Every time I do fasted cardio or prepare for a challenging workout, I take BCAA. Tablets are extremely handy since I can keep them in my gym bag and take them 30 minutes before working out. Due to their size, these pills should only be used one at a time. If they were a little bit smaller, it would be five stars. Otherwise, it's a fantastic substance that everybody who engages in athletic exercise needs to protect lean muscle tissue from being burned as fuel.

MET-Rx Creatine 4200 Supplement, Supports Muscles Pre and Post Workout, 240 Capsules Review:

I have seen energy levels two days in a row that I have not experienced in twenty years in just three days with half the dosage. I recently started a new job. It's a fast-paced profession that requires a lot of lifting, and as a 40-something man, I was honestly fighting to get through the last two hours of the day. Later, I was so worn out in the evening that all I wanted to do was pass out on the couch.On Thursday morning, I took three of them along with a large glass of juice, my customary cup of coffee, and my daily Centrum vitamin. I reasoned that this might be the energy and recovery aid I'm seeking for.I had energy the entire first day of work, didn't come home fatigued, and even made my wife pleased that evening. It was the same on Friday night. That never occurs twice in a succession. I could have had fun that night too, but my wife needed a break. On Saturday, I washed my car and had a long stroll with her.Although it has only been three days, I can honestly say that I have never used a product that has produced results even remotely close to this. Keep in mind that it is only half the dose. As I proceed, my physique might change, and I might even add more.The only drawback I can identify is that I did feel a little more wired and thirsty than usual. A little anxious, this can be a problem for someone who already struggles with that kind of stuff.Conclusion: At this price, it would be crazy not to check it out if you are 40 years old and in need of a boost. It is effective.

Bodybuilding Signature CLA Softgels | 1,000 MG Fat Loss Supplement, Maintain Lean Muscle | 90 Servings Review:

I got an email asking what I thought of the thing I bought. All I can say is that I'm glad I got it (damage-free), but for a variety of reasons, I haven't gotten around to utilizing it: 1. I haven't resumed my workouts. 2. I'm currently working on a plan to kick things back into gear (believe me, I'm working on it; things are starting to get to me). 3. I recently started a job, therefore I'm thinking about how I'm going to approach this. The other thing I want to say is that I'll be posting an update on the product once I've begun taking the supplements and evaluating their effects. Your current review status is as of right now. When that time comes, I'll be sure to rate and review the product in more detail. We appreciate everybody who took the time to read this.

Purity Labs CLA 4,500 Safflower Oil Number One Natural Weight Loss Fat Burner Supplement 180 Softgels Non-GMO & Gluten Free Conjugated Linoleic Acid Pills Belly Fat Burner Review:

On November 14, 2018, I made my first CLA purchase through Purity Labs. I'm currently on my third bottle of this CLA, which I include in my regular vitamin routine. Since using this product, I can clearly notice a difference in my frame. I'm in an athletic shape. Depending on what I'm eating, that may be good or awful. I follow a regular workout schedule that includes 4 days a week of both cardio and strength training. I am a pescartian and consume a gallon of water every day (fish is my primary source of protein). The older I get—I turned 35 on January 14—the more I realize how crucial it is for me to continue being consistent with my exercises and eating habits. By lowering the fat in my back, stomach, and any other issue regions, using CLA has helped me attain my weight loss objectives. It's soft enough to use without giving me an upset stomach as someone who also has IBS, and I believe it even aids in the process of waste disposal. You can't really go wrong, I think.

NatureWise CLA 1250, High Potency, Natural Weight Loss Exercise Enhancement | Increase Lean Muscle Mass, Non-Stimulating | Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, & 100% Safflower Oil [2 Month Supply - 180 Count] Review:

This isn't a wonder drug that will make you lose weight on its own. I began out at a weight I hated, and no matter what exercises I tried—from the Couch to 5K program, which I completed in its entirety three times, to Beach Body programs—I always ended up regaining the weight I had lost. My metabolism isn't what it was when I was a teen or even in my 20s, when I could eat anything and not gain an ounce. I'm a man in my 30s. I'm live proof that bad habits persist over time. Even after I started putting on weight, I couldn't or didn't want to quit eating BS. I suppose my midlife crisis began when I abruptly quit eating bad food. I want to be there for our child for as long as I can, so staying in shape and avoiding being fat was the first step.I placed my late May order for this, but I didn't begin until after a vacation (you know how it is). When you return from your vacation around June 12th, you'll indulge in a cheat week of whatever you please. I've been taking this tablet since August 2nd with each meal, and I have to admit that it is effective. Although I lack scientific evidence, I think this is really helpful.Priorities come first. You must exercise self-control before taking pills or exercising. When to eat and how much to consume. Control your diet if you don't do anything else. I've only been consuming healthier foods for the last six to seven weeks. On Sundays, we prepare the week's worth of meals. Even though preparing the food takes a while, we make it enjoyable by trying new things, listening to music, and generally making the process enjoyable rather than a job. It's crucial to highlight that all fruits, vegetables, and beef are organic and grass-fed exclusively. It costs more than non-organic, non-grass-fed food, but A. Eating organic and grass-fed meats is better for you and 2. It still saves you money if you're a fast-food or snack addict (be sure it says 100% grass-fed on the label).For breakfast, I've got 2 organic eggs and 2 slices of wheat toast. For lunch, I eat the pre-made meals, and for supper, I drink a meal-replacement shake. Every day, it comes at the exact same moment for me. Weekends are when we "splurge." We had a Costco organic pizza over the weekend. One pie served as a meal for the three of us, and it was vegetarian. We had 100% grass-fed burgers the week prior, served without a bun with organic mustard and ketchup and homemade mashed potatoes (organic potatoes boiled then mashed, and I added butter and Himalayan salt). Very satisfying and excellent.Neither have I truly worked out. We took a few little strolls here and there, but not as many as I used to because I would get hurt and become unwilling to exercise thereafter. I've lost 30 pounds in the seven weeks since I started eating healthier and taking these tablets. I won't say how much I weigh, but if the UFC existed, I would fall under the heavyweight division. (206-265 pounds), therefore by simply eating well and using these tablets, I was able to lose nearly 10% of my body weight. In the morning, I also took NOW Glucomannan Pure Powder, 8 Ounce. Slam it if you take that. Avoid letting it sit and becoming gelatinous. If you're unsure about using it, I would advise using it for a month then stopping so that at least everything is out of your system. It will also make you go #2 once your body gets used to it, but it flushes out all the harmful substances that are already in your body.I hope at least one individual was helped. Two months ago, I was in a difficult circumstance. Had no energy or motivation, and I detested the way I looked. I know that a lot of people are like that. I'm confident that things will go well for you if you focus solely on your nutrition. Spend some time doing study before committing to your aim. Do not allow temptations to stand in your way. The first two weeks are the hardest, after which it gets easier. Now that I know they taste delicious and are healthy for me, I look forward to my meals.I should mention that my kid brought home two mini-sized Milky Way candy from a birthday party. I needed a pick-me-up because my day had been long. Bad error. I quickly regretted eating them because I started to feel sick after only five minutes. Since June, I hadn't had a snack, and my body detested it. I'll never forget the time I truly believed I was going to vomit. I suppose I'll stop eating Milky Way. Sadly, it was my favorite candy bar, but I'd prefer not experience that feeling once more. In this scenario, negative reinforcement was effective.Wishing you luck on your travels.

MET-Rx ZMA Supplement, Supports Muscle Recovery, 90 Capsules Review:

Three weeks into utilizing this product, and I'm thrilled with the outcomes. I first purchased this item in order to help my muscles recover while I sleep. To be honest, I didn't get the same benefits with the one I previously purchased from Vitamin World. Second, due to my stress and physical stiffness, I occasionally had difficulties sleeping, but not anymore. I can now fall asleep quickly thanks to this. Third, and as crucial for those females who suffer from acne like mine. Cystic acne usually affects my face. I haven't had any breakouts since I started taking these pills, and my present ones are getting better thanks to the zinc dosage. I wish to test the Optium brand because it has received excellent ratings, but for now, based on the pricing and ingredient list, I would unquestionably suggest and even repurchase it.

Extra Strength CLA for Women - 1500mg High Potency Weight Loss Supplement - Conjugated Lineolic Acid from Safflower Oil - Non-GMO + Stimulant-Free - 120 Softgels - Sheer Strength Labs Review:

I therefore bought these about two months ago. The first bottle seemed to have no effect on me. Each mealtime, I was just taking 1 capsule. in total, 3 tablets per day. I experienced some appetite suppression, but nothing noteworthy. I was going to ask for a complete return of my money. I decided to get a second bottle. I began to experience increased hunger suppression after the second bottle. Since I am aware that skipping meals altogether is unhealthy, I had to practically force myself to eat. I therefore substituted healthier meals and snacks for my bad meals. When I stopped drinking soda, I lost my appetite for a lot of foods, including cookies, candy, and sweets. When I did eat, I made sure to choose healthier options. I made the decision to take 2 capsules, 1-2 times a day, before meals with the second bottle. By this point, I had realized that I probably had bowel movements three times a week. Now that I can see it, I am losing weight. I began wearing size 18/20W jeans. Since I am struggling to keep my pants up, it is time to go shopping right now. I would say that I am currently a 16W or 18W. A comfortable 13 or 14 is my target.The pills are great! I'm really happy I didn't quit up too soon.

Max Potency CLA 1250 (180 Softgels) with 95% Active Conjugated Linoleic Acid ~ Weight Management Supplement for Men and Women Review:

I adore it. I swear I have been dropping water and fat weight, and this is the only thing new that I've added to my routine. I consume two in the morning and two before a meal. 3-4 a day. I can already feel a difference after only about two weeks! I've been consuming extra water as well. Although the odd thing is that I've been consuming less nutritious food (but please consume nutritious food, lol. (My justification is that family is visiting.) I've not gained any weight, in fact, I've lost fat. Even after weighing myself at night, I've lost 3 pounds since I began. And before that, I was exercising and eating incredibly healthily, but I still had more body fat? Weird. Imagine how much better the outcomes would have been if I had exercised and eaten more healthful things during the past two weeks! I'm taking action today to resume my regular training schedule and healthy eating habits, so I'll be back later with an update and my results! I'm overjoyed:DUpdate 9/17/17: You're still consistently losing fat and gaining energy! I've worked out three times since I last reviewed this product, and even that little bit of exercise accelerated my overall fat loss further. I noticed it especially in my legs where I used to accumulate the most fat, along with eating whole foods, lots of soups, and quinoa instead of rice, basically a lower carb diet, little to no processed foods, and 2L of water every day. This product has made me more enthusiastic about life in general because the hope it's given me with the results I see an improvement in. And I don't have to suffer from calorie restriction. I merely consume a lot of entire fruits and veggies.

Does CLA speed up your metabolism?

There's some evidence that CLA may speed up metabolism. In one study, people who took CLA for 12 weeks had a greater decrease in body fat and a greater increase in muscle mass than those who didn't take CLA. CLA may also help regulate blood sugar levels, which could have an impact on metabolism. In one study, people who took CLA supplements for four weeks had lower blood sugar levels after eating a high-carb meal than those who didn't take CLA. Overall, the research on CLA and metabolism is promising, but more studies are needed to confirm the effects.

Does CLA work for belly fat?

There are mixed reviews about whether or not CLA works for belly fat. Some people report seeing positive results, while others find that it has no effect. CLA is a type of fatty acid found in some foods, and it's thought to help with weight loss by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

Does CLA work without exercise?

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is a resounding no. CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, is a naturally-occurring fatty acid found in meat and dairy products. It’s been heralded as a weight-loss miracle supplement, but the truth is, it only works if you couple it with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Here’s the thing: CLA is a “good” fat. It’s been shown to improve cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar, and even help reduce body fat.

How long does it take for CLA to work?

It is said that CLA takes around a month to work. However, some people may see results in as little as two weeks.

How long should you take CLA for?

There is no definitive answer to how long you should take CLA for. Some people may only need to take it for a short period of time to achieve their desired results, while others may need to take it for a longer period of time. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how long to take CLA for.

How much weight can you lose with CLA?

If you are looking to lose weight, you may be wondering how much weight you can lose with CLA. CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, is a type of fatty acid found in meat and dairy products. Some studies have shown that CLA can help with weight loss, but the results are mixed. Some studies show that people who take CLA supplements lose more weight than those who don't, while other studies show no difference. It's not clear why the results are so mixed, but it may be that CLA only helps with weight loss in people who are already overweight or obese